Monday, 24 February 2014

Healthy Foods that Give You Stress Relief

Healthy Foods
Healthy Foods
We all suffer from stress at some reason for our lives; it is not very easy to prevent it. All reasons lie behind the super hectic and fast lifestyles we lead today. However, when you're stressed out your body needs its vitamins and minerals more than ever before to function at its best. Eat your way to avoid it of stress with these ten healthy stress-busting foods. They're not going to only boost your overall energy and help you to definitely keep your cool; they’ll also counteract the damaging effects of stress on your body.
Stress can cause emotional eating, which results in unhealthy weight gain. But eating the right food can provide you with relief from stress and help you keep it in check. All you have to do is stock your shelves with these stress relieving foods for any happier, healthier you.
Here are the top stress reducing foods you should be eating if you suffer from stress, to get relief from it:


Blueberries are thought to be one of the best stress busters, to some they're also known as super fruits and rightly so. They're full of antioxidants and vitamin C, which fights free radicals and in turn reduces stress. To ensure optimum health benefits, consume a cup of blueberries every day, to notice difference.


Yet another food that's chock-full of stress-relieving B vitamins, broccoli has the added benefit of containing folic acid, which is also part of the B vitamin family. Folic acid helps relieve stress, anxiety, panic, and even depression. Try broccoli like a simple accompaniment to fish or chicken, or toss it right into a stir-fry along with a few other vegetables and some beef or shrimp.


Bananas are filled with potassium, a mineral that will help reduce tension. Bananas are also great in pacifying and soothing the mind because they are rich in tryptophan, an amino acid which reinforces the formation of serotonin (the feel-good hormone) and melatonin (the sleep hormone).

Green Leafy Vegetables

Remember how our parent always kept telling us to consume more and more green leafy vegetables? They'd a point! Green leafy vegetables act to reverse the indications of stress. Some of them like spinach and kale possess a good comforting effect and are very high in magnesium.


Perfect on tacos, great with eggs, and awesome with anything else, avocados pack a substantial amount of omega-3s. Additionally they contain potassium, which helps lower blood pressure that may spike with stress.

Dark Chocolate

Don’t we all love chocolate? But dark chocolate essentially is extremely beneficial for health as it is full of antioxidants. Look for dark chocolate, which contains a minimum of 70% cocoa. It'll instantly cheer you up. It helps tremendously in improving mood, but do attempt to consume it in moderation.


Milk is high in vitamin B, along with protein and calcium and for that reason, drinking a glass of milk will even keep you full for longer, and stabilize blood sugar. If possible attempt to have low fat skim milk on a daily basis to keep stress at bay. This is also the best stress relief food.


Nuts are great stress relievers. They're a rich source of the serotonin-booster tryptophan and packed with B vitamins, vitamin E, magnesium and zinc. The B-vitamins and magnesium regulate mood and relieve stress by boosting serotonin, whereas zinc has been proven to fight some of the negative effects of stress. Vitamin E is an important antioxidant that destroys the free radicals related to stress and heart disease.


Many types of cheese, especially cottage cheese, is extremely high in protein and enables you to feel full for longer and provides a feeling of satiety, as it effectively stabilizes blood sugar levels in the body. The best strategy is to consume the low fat version, so you get all the necessary nutrition without the calories.


Vitamin C is a great stress buster, and just what better source of vitamin C than oranges! They're not only tangy and yummy but also work wonders that will help you fight against stress. Consume at least one orange very day to reduce your cortisol levels and reduce stress.
Stress Relieving Foods For You
Stress Relieving Foods For You


The goodness of water can't be replaced by anything! Yes, plain water. No wonder people keep telling you to drink water and enough from it. Sipping water every few minutes help tremendously in keeping stress away. Whenever you return home, tired after a long working day, drink a glass of water. Dehydration can in fact cause stress. So, if you keep your body hydrated, you'll definitely remove one factor that may be leading to your stress levels.

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