Wednesday, 30 July 2014

Morning Sickness During Pregnancy

Morning Sickness
Morning Sickness
Morning sickness is the most common medical condition of early pregnancy. How bad the sickness is differs from woman to woman. You may get the odd bout of mild queasiness whenever you first wake up, or certain smells might trigger your nausea through the day. Or you may have to endure weeks or even months of feeling or being sick.
Generally, morning sickness doesn’t harm the woman or the unborn child. However, severe morning sickness which includes weight loss and dehydration needs prompt medical attention.

What is morning sickness?

That nauseous, queasy feeling in your stomach, which could sometimes lead to vomiting - so innaccurately dubbed morning sickness, since it can hit at any time of the day or night, especially within the first trimester of pregnancy.

Morning sickness is more common in:

  • First pregnancies
  • Multiple pregnancies such as twins, triplets or more
  • The first trimester (first 14 weeks)
  • Women who are prone to motion sickness or sea sickness
  • Women who are fatigued and exhausted
  • Periods of stress

Morning Sickness Facts

More than 50% of all pregnant women experience morning sickness. Morning sickness refers to the nauseated feeling you get during the first trimester of pregnancy. Morning sickness can be, however is not always, accompanied with vomiting. The nausea is really a result of the increased hormones in your body. Many doctors think morning sickness is really a good sign because it means the placenta is developing well.

How Many Pregnant Women get Morning Sickness Symptoms?

Morning sickness is very common, and is reported by 50% - 80% of pregnant women. Specifically, 28% of pregnant women experience nausea only, while 52% experience nausea and vomiting. 20% of pregnant women may have no symptoms at all. The symptoms commonly start 5 weeks after conception and end by week 15 in 60% of affected women. 9% of affected women have symptoms persist beyond week 18 of pregnancy.

What are the Causes of Morning Sickness?

There are many hormonal changes that occur in a woman's body during the first few weeks of pregnancy which are thought to contribute to morning sickness. Human chorionic gonadotropin (hCG) hormone is a prime suspect and lots of doctors notice a link between high hCG levels along with a woman's nausea level.
The enhanced sense of smell many women experience can also be a culprit. Depending on the woman, some odors can be nauseating and overwhelming so everyday smells can trigger the gag reflex and lead to vomiting. Even more simply, often the changes a woman's body undergoes may cause her gastrointestinal tract to become more sensitive leading her to vomit more.
Morning Sickness During Pregnancy
Morning Sickness During Pregnancy

Morning Sickness Symptoms

More than one-half of all pregnant women will suffer morning sickness symptoms. Morning sickness symptoms can strike within the 4th or 5th week of gestation and last before the 16th week. Most pregnant women report morning sickness symptoms gradually worsening until peaking within the 9th week. The most common morning sickness symptoms are nausea, vomiting and light-headedness.

Morning Sickness During Pregnancy

Morning Sickness
Morning Sickness
Morning sickness is the most common medical condition of early pregnancy. How bad the sickness is differs from woman to woman. You may get the odd bout of mild queasiness whenever you first wake up, or certain smells might trigger your nausea through the day. Or you may have to endure weeks or even months of feeling or being sick.
Generally, morning sickness doesn’t harm the woman or the unborn child. However, severe morning sickness which includes weight loss and dehydration needs prompt medical attention.

What is morning sickness?

That nauseous, queasy feeling in your stomach, which could sometimes lead to vomiting - so innaccurately dubbed morning sickness, since it can hit at any time of the day or night, especially within the first trimester of pregnancy.

Morning sickness is more common in:

  • First pregnancies
  • Multiple pregnancies such as twins, triplets or more
  • The first trimester (first 14 weeks)
  • Women who are prone to motion sickness or sea sickness
  • Women who are fatigued and exhausted
  • Periods of stress

Morning Sickness Facts

More than 50% of all pregnant women experience morning sickness. Morning sickness refers to the nauseated feeling you get during the first trimester of pregnancy. Morning sickness can be, however is not always, accompanied with vomiting. The nausea is really a result of the increased hormones in your body. Many doctors think morning sickness is really a good sign because it means the placenta is developing well.

How Many Pregnant Women get Morning Sickness Symptoms?

Morning sickness is very common, and is reported by 50% - 80% of pregnant women. Specifically, 28% of pregnant women experience nausea only, while 52% experience nausea and vomiting. 20% of pregnant women may have no symptoms at all. The symptoms commonly start 5 weeks after conception and end by week 15 in 60% of affected women. 9% of affected women have symptoms persist beyond week 18 of pregnancy.

What are the Causes of Morning Sickness?

There are many hormonal changes that occur in a woman's body during the first few weeks of pregnancy which are thought to contribute to morning sickness. Human chorionic gonadotropin (hCG) hormone is a prime suspect and lots of doctors notice a link between high hCG levels along with a woman's nausea level.
The enhanced sense of smell many women experience can also be a culprit. Depending on the woman, some odors can be nauseating and overwhelming so everyday smells can trigger the gag reflex and lead to vomiting. Even more simply, often the changes a woman's body undergoes may cause her gastrointestinal tract to become more sensitive leading her to vomit more.
Morning Sickness During Pregnancy
Morning Sickness During Pregnancy

Morning Sickness Symptoms

More than one-half of all pregnant women will suffer morning sickness symptoms. Morning sickness symptoms can strike within the 4th or 5th week of gestation and last before the 16th week. Most pregnant women report morning sickness symptoms gradually worsening until peaking within the 9th week. The most common morning sickness symptoms are nausea, vomiting and light-headedness.

Wednesday, 23 July 2014

Benefits of Coconut Oil to Get Beautiful Skin

Coconut Oil
Coconut Oil
Coconut oil is famous throughout the world not only being an edible oil and hair tonic, but additionally as an excellent massage oil and smoothener for the skin. Although a lot of kinds of coconut oils are available, it is best to look for organic, raw, or cold pressed forms. These types offer the most nutrients since they're the closest to the oil's original form. Moreover, the extra virgin coconut oils do the most good for the skin. Whether used being an exfoliator, moisturizer, massage oil, scar or eczema treatment, coconut oil cleans and soothes the skin using its antimicrobial and nourishing properties for any fraction of the cost of other skin care products.

Using coconut oil is an excellent natural way to make your hair and skin soft, radiant, and healthy. In the tropical parts of the world where coconuts can easily be bought and used in many ways, natives commonly spread coconut oil on their skin, because they believe that it protects from the sun’s harmful rays.


The contributions of vitamin-E towards skin care are very well known. It is essential for healthy skin growth, repair of wear and tear & tear on the skin, keeping skin smooth and protecting against cracking. Above all, it prevents premature aging and wrinkling of the skin, because it has good antioxidant properties. 100 grams of coconut oil has about 0.1 mg of vitamin E, thus enhancing it skin-nourishing properties.

After-shower moisturiser

Apply coconut oil during or soon after a shower to moisturise your skin, by using a small chunk and permit the oil to liquefy in the palm of your hand and gently massage into the skin. Coconut oil can sit on top of the skin and lock in moisture. The benefit from applying coconut oil this way would be to those who suffer from itchy, rough, scaly or dry skin conditions.

Skin softener

The majority of us use several creams and lotions for softening our skin, especially the skin of the face and hands. Coconut oil is a superb skin softener and helps you do away with dry and difficult skin conditions. Simply take some coconut oil on your palms, rub your palms against each other a couple of times and then on your face, hands, or wherever you need to see the moisturizing effect.


When applied on infections, it forms a chemical layer which protects the infected body part from external dust, air, fungi, bacteria and virus. Coconut oil is most effective on bruises because it speeds up the healing process by repairing damaged tissues.


One way to use coconut oil on the skin is as an exfoliator. Used alone, it naturally clears away dead skin cells, however when combined with other natural products, it serves as a level stronger exfoliator. To make a coconut oil exfoliator, buyers can mix several ingredients together. First, mix one cup of organic cane sugar with half cup of organic coconut oil.

Face scrub

Add some sodium bicarbonate to your coconut oil for a gentle face exfoliator. You may feel a bit of residue after rinsing, but the oil will absorb into your skin after a couple of minutes.
Coconut Oil to Get Beautiful Skin
Coconut Oil to Get Beautiful Skin

Makeup Remover

Coconut oil can also be used a makeup remover. This isn't common, but women have begun using it for removing the makeup of the face and eyes, without having to worry about the harsh chemicals of other removers engaging in delicate or sensitive areas.

Natural deodorant

With the use of coconut oil like a deodorant it is all natural, no aluminium, or other chemicals. It has its very own antibacterial and antifungal properties which reduce body odour. It's able to be used on sensitive skins without causing irritation. Just a little piece of solid coconut oil can be rubbed into each underarm, massaged in and used like a deodorant.

Tuesday, 15 July 2014

Early Pregnancy Symptoms, Am I Pregnant?

Understanding the signs and symptoms of pregnancy is important because each symptom might be related to something other than pregnancy. You might experience signs or symptoms of pregnancy inside a week of conception. However, it's possible you may not experience any symptoms for some weeks.

What follows is a description of some of the most common early symptoms of pregnancy. You need to know that these symptoms may be caused by other things besides being pregnant. Therefore the fact that you notice some of these symptoms does not always mean you are pregnant. The only way to tell without a doubt is with a pregnancy test.

Swollen/Tender Breasts

Swollen or tender breasts is really a pregnancy symptom which may begin as early as 1-2 weeks after conception. Women may notice changes within their breasts; they may be tender to touch, sore, or swollen.

A Missed or Abnormal Period

Some women's periods are just like clockwork -- they arrive every 28 days, rain or shine. If you be one of these lucky ladies, it may seem easier to notice if your monthly miracle doesn't arrive, which can be one of the first predictors of pregnancy. However, many women during early pregnancy experience spotting or light vaginal bleeding that lasts a few days and may be confused with a period.


Headaches can be an early manifestation of pregnancy, due to a number of factors. Hormones usually bring about headaches during early pregnancy, but stress, exhaustion, and all sorts of physical changes beginning in a woman's body, can also add to that formula for a headache.

Abdominal bloating

Hormonal changes in early pregnancy could leave you feeling bloated, similar to the feeling some women have recently before their period. That's why your clothes may feel more snug than normal at the waistline, even early on when your uterus continues to be quite small.

Mood swings

During pregnancy your hormone levels are surging, as the amount of oestrogen and progesterone in your blood increases. These increased hormone levels can affect your mood. You might feel heightened emotions, both good and bad, or you will just feel more depressed or anxious than normal. Read more about mood swings. If you've been feeling really upset or considering harming yourself, speak to your doctor immediately.

Tender or Swollen Breasts

Women can thank the soaring amounts of hormones for this early-pregnancy symptom. Many frequently are convinced that their breasts feel more tender, heavy or full as early like a couple of weeks after conception. This can be wrongly identified as premenstrual breast sensitivity. It doesn't help that your old bra starts feeling just like a cross between a corset and a straitjacket.

Nausea/Morning Sickness

This well-known pregnancy symptom will often show up between 2-8 weeks after conception. Some women are fortunate not to deal with morning sickness whatsoever, while others will feel nauseous throughout many of their pregnancy. If you are experiencing morning sickness whatsoever, take a look at our articles on morning sickness to understand how to manage it better.


Feeling tired all of a sudden? No, make that exhausted. Nobody knows for sure what causes early pregnancy fatigue, but it is possible that rapidly increasing levels of the hormone progesterone are adding to your sleepiness. Of course, morning sickness and achieving to urinate frequently during the night time can add to your sluggishness, too.

Thursday, 10 July 2014

Healthy foods for Healthy kids

Healthy eating means eating a large variety of nutritious foods. Healthy foods contain all the energy, minerals, vitamins and fibre you have to grow. You should try and eat plenty of healthy foods like fruits, vegetables and bread. Small quantities of foods like cakes and lollies are fine to consume too, as long as you do not eat them all the time.


As much as infants enjoy oatmeal cereal, it is a little surprising they grow up on white bread and other refined grains and do not often eat oatmeal and more whole grains. You can combat that trend by serving your kids oatmeal, which many kids love, and much more oatmeal foods and snacks (oatmeal cookies, oatmeal bars, etc).


Lean cuts of meat which include skinless chicken and turkey are low in fats and ideal sources of proteins. Meals consisting of chicken with vegetable soup, baked potato with salmon or perhaps a salmon sandwich are some of the healthiest foods to get rid of weight.

Sweet potatoes

As a general rule, the more colourful the vegetable or fruit, the healthier it is. It is the chemicals (called phytochemicals) that provide fruits and vegetables their vibrant hues of green, orange, red and purple that handle disease-fighting elements. Sweet potatoes are loaded with beta carotene, vitamin E, vitamin B6, potassium and iron.


Yogurt is really a healthful food for kids, especially for kids that do not drink a lot of milk, as yogurt is really a good source of calcium. You make think that your kids are doing well with this particular one, because they already eat yogurt, but when all they eat is a kids' brand of yogurt with extra sugar with no added probiotics, then they may be missing out on some of the nutritional benefits of yogurt.

Vegetables and Fruits

Green leafy vegetables have long been hailed like a primary source of vitamins and minerals and are a fundamental element of a healthy diet. They can also help to reduce fat and combat obesity in kids. Dishes produced from vegetables like spinach, broccoli, tomatoes, carrots, cabbage, and Brussels sprouts truly are good for health.

Breakfast Cereal

No, a bowl filled with a sugary cereal isn't a healthy breakfast, but many other breakfast cereals can be a healthy a part of your child's diet. When choosing a breakfast cereal for your kids, try to look for one you cannot simply eat out of the box like candy. Good choices include whole grain cereal that's calcium fortified and has added fiber. Depending on the rest of your child's diet, you may even look for a breakfast cereal that provides extra iron and other minerals and vitamins.

Whole Grain Products

Whole grain products which include brown rice, oat bran, oatmeal, wheat grains bread, and whole grain cereals, are high in complex carbohydrates and fiber as well as contain substantial amount of magnesium and potassium. Carbohydrates are the main energy sources for the body. So, your kids' morning breakfast should specifically includes high energy foods, derived from whole grain products. This will ensure that your kids don't experience fatigue and remain energetic and active throughout the day.